9 Aug 2019

WPCS Young Ambassador

The Role of the Young Ambassador

The Young Ambassador acts as an ambassador for the Welsh Breeds and the Society, to promote its charitable aims and encourage participation of children and young people, to represent existing young members throughout the UK, providing them with a voice and link between all UK and International Associations, Hill Improvement Societies, the President and Trustees.

Being appointed Young Ambassador is an honour that provides a rewarding and exciting role as well as providing an excellent opportunity for personal and educational development.

The following list provides a framework of responsibilities and expectations but is not exhaustive:

  • To Chair and organise meetings for the Young People’s Group (a sub-committee of the Members Services standing committee)
  • To continue to attend meetings for the year

To attend functions as Young Ambassador on behalf of the Society, in particular:

  • Area Association meetings and WPCS forum events around the UK as agreed by Council (area Associations to cover expenses)
  • WPCS Performance awards
  • Various functions during the Royal Welsh Show to include meeting with the Royal Welsh Young Ambassador at 8.00 am on the Wednesday for breakfast at the WPCS Pavilion
  • To organise at least one fundraising event during their year
  • To organise an annual meeting for young people aged 14-25 years
  • To organise a fun event that will involve younger children
  • Attendance at a selected list of shows to include the National Welsh, Lampeter, Glanusk and Northleach Shows
  • National Welsh Show – to be involved with the Young Judges Competition
  • To present an overview of the young Judges competition at the annual Judges and breeders’ seminar
  • To write a report on their year as Young Ambassador for the Society’s website and Facebook page
  • To contribute ideas / information / articles for social media which will be of interest to young people
  • To deliver a report to Council on their year in office as Young Ambassador at the last Council meeting and at the Annual General Meeting
  • On invitation, attend meetings of the Members Services committee

As Young Ambassador you can claim travel expenses and subsistence for attending authorised events on behalf of the Society, but these need to be agreed with the Company Secretary and Chair of Council before any costs are incurred.

Changes that took effect from the 2018 Annual General Meeting are as follows:

  • The YA term of Office increases from 12 to 18 months (October 2019 – April 2021)
  • The selection of the new YA will be decided in September, formally taking up office at the Society AGM in April where he/she will take over from the previous YA having had a six-month handover.
  • The six-month overlap will enable the new YA to receive feedback from the serving YA, adopting best practice for the forthcoming year and planning itinerary.
  • A qualified/experienced mentor from the board of trustees will be selected to work closely with the YA to provide guidance when needed.
  • The President-Elect will have input into the selection and interview process for the YA that the President-Elect will be working alongside in the forthcoming year

A recent change agreed by Council on the 5th of August 2019 is that the maximum age of the Young Ambassador is now 30 years old.

The overlap with the current YA of six months will be a working handover period and this will be an important time to set personal and Society objectives and plan your year’s itinerary.

You will have the opportunity to discuss this itinerary with the President-Elect and mentor that are appointed to work with you to ensure the forthcoming year of office will be a fun, eventful and memorable experience.

The current Young Ambassador for 2019-2020 is Miss Catrin Reed of the Tyngwndwn Stud.

Candidates for the Young Ambassador, aged between 18 and 30 years, are now eligible to apply.

The closing date for receipt of applications is midnight on Friday 23rd of August 2019

The closing date will be strictly adhered to in order to allow interviews to be conducted and a successful candidate appointed before the end of September.

An application form can be downloaded here 

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