20 Jul 2021
Dr Wynne Davies – Lifetime Achievement Award
A great afternoon at Ceulan when the Society presented Dr Wynne Davies M.B.E FRAgS with a ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ in recognition of exceptional service rendered to the Society and the Welsh breeds.
Presenting the award, Chair of the WPCS Council Colin Thomas said “Dr Wynne – it is a great honour and pleasure to present you with this Lifetime Achievement Award today, I am aware that you have had many awards in your lifetime, but this award today is in further recognition of your lifelong support and sterling work to promote the Society here and in all parts of the world. You have shown so much dedication and professionalism through many many decades. On behalf of Council, Thank you. Diolch yn Fawr Dr Wynne”.
This award was to have been presented at the postponed 2020 AGM and is the first of many which we will announce over the coming week.
Llongyfarchiadau mawr a diolch i chi Wynne am eich gwaith a’ch ymroddiad di-flino er budd y Gymdeithas.
Colin Thomas presents Dr Wynne Davies M.B.E FRAgS with his Lifetime Achievement Award.
Dr Wynne Davies M.B.E FRAgS
Trustees with Dr Wynne. L-R Roger Davies, Ceulan Calib, Debbie Jones, Dr Wynne Davies and Colin Thomas.
Apologies were received from the Vice-Chair Elgan Evans who was unable to attend.