The competition, started in 1997, is run under the rules and direction of the WPCS Judging and Showing Committee and holds a prominent place in the WPCS calendar. Over the years the competition has proved to be a valuable training ground for future judges of the WPCS panel. This year in addition to the In-hand Young Judges Competition we are trialing a Ridden Young Judges Competition for the first time.

Aim:  The aim of the competition is to find annually the top Young Judges of the Welsh Breeds. It provides the opportunity for young people to develop their skills in terms of judging and present their understanding of the judging process in an interview situation.

Eligibility: The competition is open to all young people aged between 10 and 25 years of age. Area Associations and Overseas Societies are invited to enter teams and/or individuals. Each team will comprise of 3 individuals. Entries are also invited from individuals who are not members of an area association, or whose association is not participating in the scheme. You do not have to be a current member of the WPCS to take part in the competition. Competitors are eligible to compete in both competitions or just the in-hand or ridden competition if preferred. All entries must be made on the appropriate entry form and returned to The WPCS Offices no later than 26th July 2024. There is no entry fee for the competition.

Classification: The competition will be run in four age groups: 10 – 13 years, 14 – 17 years, 18 – 21 years and 22 – 25 years. The overall winner will be decided by the judges from the winners of the four groups.

Date, time, and place: This year the competition will be held on the Three Counties Showground, Malvern. WR13 6NW on Saturday 10th August. The Ridden Competition will run in the morning with registration opening at 09:45am ready for the competition to start at 10.15am. The in-hand competition will run in the afternoon with registration opening at 1.30pm ready for the competition to start at 2.15pm. The presentation of awards will be made later in the evening (approx. 6.00pm).

Following the presentation of the awards we are planning some fun activities and refreshments for all the family which will be open to Young Judges competitors, family, friends, and competitors staying on the showground for the show on Sunday. Refreshments will be subject to pre-booking; full details will be advertised nearer the time. The National Welsh and Welsh Part- bred show will take place on the showground on the following day.

Assessors:  Miss C E Bigley (Llanarth) and Mrs J A Harriss (Drumaddie) will assess the in-hand candidates. Ms J Sheil (Dukeshill) and Mr R Parker Jones (Croston) will assess the ridden candidates.

Scoring for In Hand: A maximum of 100 marks is awarded by the assessors as follows:

25 marks for candidate’s placing

40 marks for candidate’s accuracy and observation

25 marks for candidate’s comparative rather than descriptive description

10 marks for candidate’s interview presentation

A further 30 marks will be awarded subject to correctly answering 3 knowledge questions on current WPCS In-hand Showing Rules.

Procedure for the In Hand Section: Competitors will judge an in-hand class of four Section A ponies. They will be required to assess the animals standing, in walk and in trot. They will place the animals in their preferred order on the score card provided. The Assessors will judge the ponies at the same time as the competitors. A sheet with full details of the procedure is available and should be consulted.

Scoring for Ridden: A maximum of 100 marks is awarded by the assessors as follows:

25 marks for candidate’s placing

40 marks for candidate’s accuracy and observation

25 marks for candidate’s comparative rather than descriptive description

10 marks for candidate’s interview presentation

The following should be considered and commented on in the above responses.

  • Conformation and movement
  • Breed characteristics and type
  • Correct way of going

A further 30 marks will be awarded subject to correctly answering 3 knowledge questions on current WPCS Ridden Showing Rules.

Procedure for the Ridden Section: The animals will enter the ring at a walk before being asked by the steward to ‘trot on’ and then canter. They will then be lined up in any order. Animals will then complete an individual show (which will be set by the assessors) before returning into line. The assessors will judge the ponies at the same time as the competitors.

When all have completed their individual shows each animal in turn will be stripped and presented in hand. The candidates will have 2 minutes to judge each animal standing.  The animal will then walk away from the candidates and trot back.

Animals will then be tacked up before walking round as a class and the competitors will mark their placings 1st to 4th on the score card using A, B, X and Y before handing it to the steward as they leave the ring. A sheet with full details of the procedure is available and should be consulted.

Dress:  Competitors are required to dress in a way consistent with judging at a show and this includes the wearing of a hat or bowler.                                                                                

Interview: Following the judging of the ponies each competitor will be interviewed individually by one of the judges in a drawn order; interviews will be conducted indoors.

Awards: Prizes including a certificate and rosette which will be awarded to competitors placed 1st – 3rd in each age group, in addition the highest placed WPCS junior member will also receive a rosette.


In hand– The winner of each age group will also receive a prize. The Overall winner of the In-hand competition will receive a WPCS gold medal and the Young Judge of the Year Sash. The Reserve Young Judge of the Year will also be presented with a sash. All competitors will receive a WPCS rosette. A special training bursary will be awarded to the Association gaining the highest average points score from their teams. Special Awards for highest placed overseas candidates.

Ridden- The winner of each age group will receive a prize. The Overall winner of the Ridden competition will receive a WPCS gold medal and the Young Judge of the Year Sash. The Reserve Young Judge of the Year will also be presented with a sash. All competitors will receive a WPCS rosette. Special Awards for highest placed overseas candidates.

Acknowledgements   The Welsh Pony and Cob Society would like to thank the following for generously supporting to the competition:

Carl Nee CDN Bespoke Whips

Maureen Prottey

South Yorkshire Rosettes

Welsh Pony & Cob Society

The WPCS Young Judges Committee & Helpers

Mr Richard Pittman

Miss Catryn Bigley

Mr Nigel Burton

Mrs Janice Parry in memory of her late husband Jeff Parry (Talponciau Stud) – Training Bursary Highest Placed Association Team

Mrs Lottie Stephens, Flydon Stud – Competitors Certificates

Llanarth Stud– Llanarth Trophy Overall Champion Young Judge

Communication   All communication in the first instance will be with Nicola Morgan, The Welsh Pony and Cob Society, Bronaeron, Felinfach, Lampeter. SA48 8AG.

Telephone Number: 01570 471754


Welsh Pony and Cob Society

Judging and Showing Committee




SA48 8AG

Request an application pack from the Society office –

Download an application pack below


Young Judges Training Days

  • Dates TBC