3 Apr 2020

The Welsh Pony and Cob Society – Bulletin / Bwletin Misol y Gymdeithas


Dear Member
We are mindful of the difficult position we are all in at the moment under the shadow of the Covid 19 pandemic. The best wishes of the Trustees and Staff members go out to each and every one of you and your families during this time of such constraint and worry.
This is a joint bulletin this month on behalf of Council by Chair Colin Thomas and Meirion Davies – Company Secretary.

The Trustees are following Government advice regarding social distancing and the Charity commission regarding the running of the Society under these extraordinary circumstances. Difficult decisions have to be taken and the Council is working closely with the Office to protect the Society and enable the continued service as a PIO for the membership.
As a consequence of the Covid 19 pandemic, Council had already postponed the AGM from its original 4th of April date. To work within the recommended 15-month legal window for holding an AGM since the last AGM in Glasgow, the Vale resort has been provisionally booked to hold a meeting of Trustees and members on Saturday the 20th of June this year.
This will be an AGM, but there will not be a social President’ dinner in the evening. Should the government restrictions on gatherings still be in place in June then the Council will have to follow the Charity commissions lead and legal advice as will so many other Charities and re-arrange accordingly.
This means that the current Council, President and President – elect will remain in post until such time as the AGM can be convened. This is not ideal but is the safest and most practical solution given the current situation for us all.
The election results will be announced at that AGM. The Society’s Auditors will withhold the result of the vote until it is possible to share it with the attending members.
However – over the next fortnight we shall be releasing some of the Society’s Award winners online, so that we can share some positive news about members achievements and members who are to be honoured.

The WPCS Office
As a staff we have been working in line with Government guidelines and have split into two groups –one group working from home remotely, and the second skeleton staff continuing to work from the Office. We are following Central Government guidelines and are in regular contact with the Welsh Government. We are continuing to process transfers and working our way through the outstanding registrations. If you have not received your passport yet, there is at least one query on your application.
At the moment we have only received two registration applications for 2020 – both from outside the UK where the restrictions on Vet’s being able to visit premises and microchip foals has not been curtailed.
Many of you have asked what the position is with Microchipping, DNA profiling and Stallion Licensing, moving forward? The simple answer is that we do not know – as the BEVA and RCVS have instructed Vets to only take emergency calls. We will share any information of any relaxing of these restrictions as soon as we receive notification. Should the current situation be the status quo for many weeks we will seek guidance from Welsh Government and Defra as to whether there will be any change of deadline or relaxing of dates for microchipping and passporting in the autumn.
Given the number of events cancelled and the predicted loss of show affiliation fees we have taken the difficult decision to furlough three employees and will review this regularly in the light of any developments. We thank these employees for their understanding of the challenges facing the Society this summer.
Tuesday was the last day of service for two temporary members of staff who have helped see us through the backlog of registrations over the last few months. We thank them for their enthusiasm and energies as part of our team and wish them well
This leaves us with five working staff members. It helps us if possible if you can email your queries rather than call by phone. The Office is still closed for drop-in visitors.
Can you all check that the animals in your possession are all transferred into your name as the Owner? If not? then legally they should be so we would request that you send them to the office for updating with the appropriate fees.
Within families of members who breed and who ‘share’ stock when breeding from year to year, we would draw your attention for the need to lease an animal if you are not the registered Owner of the mare in her passport, and you want to register progeny from that mare in your name. In these cases, a signed lease form must be lodged with the Society along with the fee of £10.

Following the announcement by Brightwells and their decision to terminate their service as ‘Official Auctioneers’ to the WPCS, the Council of Trustees would like to thank the Company and the Equine team for their long and high standard of Service to the Society , its members and the breed over so many years.
We would like to take this opportunity to confirm the WPCS position regarding Official Sales.
The title of ‘Official sale’ is owned, endorsed and authorised by the WPCS on behalf of the membership. Since the Brightwells announcement the Council are considering all options to ensure the continuation of these integral elements of the Society’s activities and calendar. Whilst the recent news has been very disappointing it also offers the Society the opportunity to look at a variety of ideas and proposals for the next Sales.
The Society will release information on a way forward as soon as possible. In the meantime, we thank members and other interested parties who have expressed their feelings, offered ideas and suggestions or professional interest in any future prospective development in this field.

Finally, at a time when normally the most satisfying activity of the year occurs with the birth of the new foal crop, we are acutely aware that these are difficult days for our members. This is a period when we must take solace from the pleasure our Ponies and Cobs can bring to our lives.
In that vein we would like to offer the following suggestion for the membership to embrace where possible or appropriate.

Are you a member in need of support or help during these difficult times? Is the welfare of your ponies or cobs worrying you?
If you are taken ill during the next few weeks, or struggling because of restrictions on your movement, and access to feedstuffs for your animals, and need help or support with your Welsh Ponies or Cobs please feel free to contact the office, who will work with members of the Education and Welfare committee.
The Society cannot help or assist financially, but we may be able to liaise with your local Area Association or a fellow breeder or enthusiast in your area who may be able to advise or help you in a practical way.These are difficult times for everybody and from within our family of members there may be people able to help. Sometimes it may just need a friendly voice or listening ear to help you, at other times it may be possible to offer practical help.
Following Government guidelines at all times is crucial.
In the same vein if you are a member who has experience in counselling or support services and could offer your energies via phone or messenger for the benefit of the membership – please contact the office, preferably by email, with no obligation.
We are not experts in any of these fields and don’t necessarily have the answers, but we may be able to put you in touch with someone who is and can.Our Ponies and Cobs have brought us together – let’s be there for each other even if we don’t get the chance to meet up at events over the summer as we usually do.
Stay safe
Our best wishes

Colin Thomas  Chair of Council

Meirion Davies Company Secretary



Annwyl Aelod

Ry’n ni’n ymwybodol iawn o’r sefyllfa anodd ry’n ni yn ei chanol dan gysgod pandemig Covid 19 ar hyn o bryd. Ein dymuniadau gorau i chi, eich teuluoedd a’ch ffrindiau oddi wrth yr Ymddieriedolwyr a Staff y Gymdeithas ar yr adeg yma o ofid a chyfyngu ar ryddid. Mae’r bwletin mis yma gan Gadeirydd y Gymdeithas, Colin Thomas a’r Ysgrifennydd Meirion Davies. 

Y Cyfarfod Blynyddol

Mae’r Ymddiriedolwyr yn dilyn canllawiau’r Llywodraeth canolog ynghylch gwahanu cymdeithasol a chyngor y Comisiwn Elusennau ynghylch sut i gyfleu gweithdrefn y Gymdeithas dan yr amodau anarferol iawn yma.  Mae’n rhaid gwneud penderfyniadau anodd ar yr adeg yma ac mae’r Cyngor yn gweithio yn agos iawn gyda’r Swyddfa i amddiffyn y gwasanaeth mae’r Gymdeithas yn ei gynnig i’r aelodaeth fel darpwr  a dosbarthwr pasbort. 

O ganlyniad i bandemig Covid 19, mae’r Cyngor eisioes wedi penderfynu gohirio’r cyfarfod blynyddol oedd i’w gynnal ar 4 Ebrill. Er mwyn gweithredu o fewn i’r ffenest gyfreithiol o 15 mis er mwyn cynnal Cyfarfod blynyddol ers yr un yn Glasgow, ry’n ni wedi bwcio Gwesty’r Vale ar gyfer Cyfarfod rhwng yr Ymddiriedolwyr a’r aelodaeth ar Sadwrn 20 Mehefin eleni.

Y bwriad yw cynnal y Cyfarfod blynyddol bryd hynny ond ni fydd Swper y Llywydd yn cael ei gynnal. Petai yn amhosib cynnal y cyfarfod oherwydd parhad ar gyfyngderau’r Llywodraeth a’r gynnal cyfarfodydd, yna bydd rhaid i’r Cyngor ddilyn arweiniad a chyngor cyfreithiol y Comisiwn Elusennau ag ad-drefnu eto, ym mha bynnag fodd bydd yn bosib .

Golyga hyn fod y Cyngor presennol, Y Llywydd a’r Llywydd i’w ethol, yn parhau i eistedd yn eu swydogaethau tan bod modd cynnal y Cyfarfod blynyddol. Er nad yw hyn yn ddelfrydol, dyma’r trefniant mwya synhwyrol a diogel er budd pawb.
Cyhoeddir canlyniad yr etholiad yn y Cyfarfod blynyddol. Mi fydd Archwilwyr y Gymdeithas yn dal canlyniad y bleidlais yn ôl tan bod modd ei rannu gyda’r aelodau yn y cyfarfod. 

Er hyn, dros y pythefnos nesa’ byddwn yn rhannu rhai o gyhoeddiadau’r Gymdeithas am enillwyr y gwobrau ac anrhydeddau, ar lein, er mwyn cael cyfle i ddathlu newyddion positif am orchestion rhai o’r aelodau a’r rhai sydd i’w hanrhydeddu eleni. 

Swyddfa’r Gymdeithas 

Mae’r staff wedi bod yn dilyn canllawiau gweithredol y Llywodraeth ac wedi rhannu i ddwy garfan. Mae un grwp wedi bod yn gweithio o bell tra bod cnewyllyn bach wedi bod yn gweithredu o’r swyddfa. Ry’n ni yn ogystal wedi bod mewn cysylltiad cyson â Llywodraeth Cymru. Ry’n ni’n dal i brosesu trosglwyddiadau pasbort yn ddyddiol ac ry’n ni’n dal i weithio ar y ffurflenni cofrestru ar gyfer pasbort. Os nad ydych wedi derbyn eich pasbort eisioes, mae o leia un cwestiwn  neu broblem i’w ateb cyn medrwn ei brosesu.

Ar hyn o bryd dim ond dau gais ar gyfer cofrestriadau eleni (2020) sydd wedi ein cyrraedd – y ddau o Ewrop, lle nad oes cyfyngu ar ymweliadau Milfeddyg i osod y microchip. Mae nifer ohonoch wedi holi ynghylch gosod microchip, proffilio ar gyfer DNA neu drwyddedi march?  beth yw’r cyngor ar hyn o bryd? Yr ateb syml yw nad oes cyngor gan fod BEVA a’r RCVS yn cynghori  Milfeddygon i beidio ag ymweld onibai fod yr alwad yn un brys.  

Byddwn yn rhannu unrhyw wybodaeth ar y mater yr eiliad daw goleuni.  Os erys y sefyllfa fel ag y mae, am amser hir, yna byddwn yn holi i Llywodraeth Cymru a DEFRA am arweiniad parthed ymestyn y dyddiadau cau ar gyfer cofrestru yn yr hydref. 

O ystyried y nifer fawr o ddigwyddiadau a Sioeau sydd wedi eu gohirio neu ganslo a’r golled o incwm yn sgil hynny i’r Gymdeithas; ry’n ni wedi gwneud penderfyniad anodd. Mae tri aelod o staff wedi ffyrlo am gyfnod ac mi fyddwn yn adolygu y penderfyniad yma yn rheolaidd yn sgil unrhyw ddatblygiadau. Ry’n ni’n diolch i’r staff yma am eu dealltwriaeth o’r sefyllfa anodd sy’n wynebu’r Gymdeithas dros y cyfnod yma. 

Dydd mawrth diwethaf fe ffarweliwyd â dau aelod dros-dro o’r staff. Ry’n ni’n diolch iddyn nhw am eu hegni a’u hymroddiad dros y misoedd diwetha’ wrth glirio’r mynydd o geisiadau cofrestru. Dymunwn yn dda i’r ddau. 

Mi fydd hyn yn ein gadael â phum aelod gweithredol o staff. Hoffwn holi yn garedig i chi ddefnyddio yr ebost i gysylltu â ni am y cyfnod nesa yma, yn hytrach na galwad ffôn. Mae’r swyddfa yn dal ar gau i ymwelwyr ‘galw i mewn’.

Os yn bosib hoffwn i chi sicrhau bod pob anifail sydd gennych wedi eu cofrestru yn eich perchnogaeth? Os nad ydyn nhw, yn ôl y gyfraith holwn i chi yrru’r pasbort i’r swyddfa gyda’r swm priodol er mwyn ei drosglwyddo i’ch eiddo. 

Yn aml ymysg teuloedd sy’n ‘bridio’ ac yn rhannu neu fenthyg stoc wrth ei gilydd, ma’n rhaid bod y gaseg yn eich eiddo er mwyn cofrestru eich hun fel bridiwr yr epil. Os nad eich caseg chi yw hi yn benodol ar y pasbort yna mae’n rhaid i chi gofrestru ffurflen lês wedi ei arwyddo gan y perchennog gyda’r Gymdeithas ynghyd a’r ffi priodol o £10, cyn y medrwn brosesu cofrestriad yr ebol.

Yr Arwerthiannau.

Yn sgil cyhoeddiad Brightwells i derfynu ei cytundeb gyda’r Gymdeithas  fel Arwerthwyr Swyddogol , hoffai’r Ymddiriedolwyr ar ran y Gymdeithas a’i haelodau, ddiolch i’r Cwmni  a thîm yr Adran Geffylau yn benodol am eu gwasanaeth o’r safon ucha dros gyfnod hir o amser.

Hoffwn gymryd y cyfle yma i gadarnhau sefyllfa y Gymdeithas ynghylch arwerthiannau swyddogol.

Mae’r teitl “Arwerthiant Swyddogol” yn eiddo i’r Gymdeithas i’w gefnogi a’u awdurdodi yn ôl ei dymuniad. Ers cyhoeddiad Brightwells mae’r Cyngor yn edrych ar nifer o opsiynnau er sicrhau parhad yr elfennau pwysig yma o weithgaredd a chalendr y Gymdeithas. Tra bod y newyddion yma yn siomedig, mae hefyd yn gyfle i’r Gymdeithas ail-edrych ar gyfleoedd ac amrwyiaeth o syniadau ar gyfer arwerthiannau’r dyfodol. 

Rhennir unrhyw newyddion ar y ffordd ymlaen cyn gynted ag sy’ bosib. Yn y cyfamser, rydym yn diolch i bawb am eu syniadau a’u cynigion, boed yn aelodau neu’n gwmniau proffesiynol yn y maes.

Tymor yr Ebolia

I orffen; ar yr adeg o’r flwyddyn sydd fel arfer yn un llawn boddhad gyda chyrhaeddiad yr ebolion, ry’n ni’n ymwybodol iawn bod y cyfnod yma yn anodd i’n aelodau. Mae’n gyfnod lle dylem gymryd stoc o’n Merlod a Chobiau i werthfawrogi y pleser ddaw yn eu sgil. Yn ysbryd hynny, hoffwn gynnig ein cefnogaeth i’r aelodau i’w rannu lle’n bosib neu’n addas.

Rhwydwaith i gefnogi Aelodau’r Gymdeithas

Ydych chi yn aelod sy’ angen cefnogaeth neu help llaw yn y cyfnod anodd yma? Ydy iechyd a lles eich anifeiliaid yn peri pryder i chi? 

Pe bae chi’n cael eich taro’n wael dros yr wythnosau nesa yma neu’n cael trafferthion oherwydd cyfyngderau teithio y Llywodraeth, neu wrth gael hyd i fwyd i’ch merlod a chobiau plis cysylltwch â Swyddfa’r Gymdeithas . Byddwn ni yn gweithio y agos gyda aelodau yr Is Bwyllgor Lles ag Addysg i geisio hwyluso cymorth.

Nid oes modd i’r Gymdeithas helpu yn ariannol, ond efallai bod modd i ni gysylltu â’r Is-Gymdeithas sy’n lleol i chi, neu fridiwr o’ch ardal bydd o bosib yn medru eich cynghori neu helpu mewn rhyw fodd.  Mae’r cyfnod yn un anodd i bawb ond efallai bod unigolion fedr helpu o fewn i’n cymuned o aelodau. Weithiau, clust i wrando sydd ei angen, neu gair o gyngor cadarnhaol neu ar adegau cymorth ymarferol.

Mae’n holl bwysig dilyn canllawiau’r Llywodraeth ar bob adeg. 

Yn yr un modd, os ydych chi yn aleod sydd ag arbenigedd ym maes cwnsela neu gynghori neu wasanaethau cynnal, ac yn fodlon cynnig eich gwasanaeth dros y ffôn neu ‘messenger’ plis cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa heb unrhyw ymrwymiad. 

Dy’n ni ddim yn arbenigwyr yn un o’r meysydd yma, a dyw’r atebion ddim o reidrwydd gennym, ond efallai bod y gallu gennym i roi chi mewn cysylltiad â rhywun sy’n brofiadol neu’n gallu helpu. 

Mae’r Merlod a’r Cobiau wedi ein tynnu ynghyd fel un ‘teulu’ ac er na fydd modd i ni gyfarfod dros yr haf fel yr arferwn, mae dal modd i ni gynnal y cysylltiad a’r gwmniaeth a’n gilydd. 

Cadwch yn saff

Ein dymuniadau gorau

Colin Thomas, Cadeirydd

Meirion Davies, Ysgrifennydd


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